New Year, New You: Taking Charge of Your Career

Change. Responsibility. Action

3 min readJan 24, 2024
Photo by Daniel Dan on Unsplash

As the new year begins, optimism fills the air. We’re all busy making plans for the months ahead, our minds occupied with goals and aspirations. But let’s face it, shifting our mindset and maintaining the discipline to pursue our goals day in and day out is no easy feat. It’s like embarking on a journey towards healthy eating or increased fitness levels— the destination is appealing, but the journey is filled with challenges.

We all aspire to be the best versions of ourselves — mindful, healthy, and happy individuals living the best life possible. But the truth is, converting that mental image into reality is a complex process, much like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. And unfortunately, many of us quit before the picture comes together, especially in our careers.

Why do so many of us talk about leaving our toxic jobs but continue to work there for years? Is it the paralyzing fear of the unknown, or the comfort of the familiar that holds us back?

The truth of the matter is that even in your comfort — a gradual change is happening. It’s like a seed sprouting beneath the soil — invisible at first, but eventually, its growth becomes evident. It will not threaten what you already know and trust, but you will feel and see its results much later. It starts when you begin to see others rising in their careers, radiating happiness and success, while you’re still stuck in the same job, grappling with the same frustrations.

You might blame the company you work for, your unique circumstances, or even your boss and colleagues but the truth is you are on the driver’s seat when it comes to your career. Your career is your own responsibility. If you don’t take ownership of it, others will do it for you. And let’s face it, they won’t do a good job because it’s not their career. So why should they care so much?

The company you work for is not going to give you 100% of the chances you deserve to grow your career. But you know who can? YOU! You hold the reins of your career growth.

Your circumstances can influence how quickly you can make bold career moves but that should not discourage you. A toxic work environment is not your fault but choosing to remain there is a choice. Yes, you can leave even when you have other people depending on you. If you do it in a smart and strategic way, they might even thank you.

Life is not about the lemons handed to you; it’s what you do with them. Whether you make lemonade, lemon pie, lemon cake, lemon candy, or even lemon iced tea, it’s better than lamenting you got lemons instead of strawberries. You always have a choice.

So, what will you choose this year? Will you take charge of your career and make the changes you’ve been dreaming of? Remember, the power is in your hands. Choose YOU this year. Embrace the journey remembering every step you take brings you closer to your goals. Here’s to a year of growth, success, and career fulfillment!




About me? I am an extremely curious person who loves bringing people closer to their dream careers and seeing them find fulfilment in their lives.