How to be happy in one step

4 min readMar 29, 2019
Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash

Forget the past. Forget your age. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

The important question is NOT: Are your desires going to be easy to achieve?

The important question IS: Are your desires worth the hard work?

Deep down you know the answer to the latter is YES!

– Mark and Angel Chernoff

When was the last thing you did something that made you happy? Something that scared you? Something that is so hard? Something no one else is doing? Something no one can do for you? But something you want to do

Your dreams can become reality if you do the hard things. For me, creating content has always been a hard thing. It scares me! I am exposing my vulnerabilities and allowing myself to be open to criticism to any person with an internet connection, and the ability to read my work. I delayed and delayed and procrastinated until I thought,

“It has been 4 years that I have wanted to do this and I still haven’t started. My writing skills not as good! They are getting worse! If I started 4 years ago then I would be better today so if I start today, I’ll be better tomorrow and 4 years from now”

And I did. I lost 4 years, but I will not lose another 4 years trying to start. Yes, it is scary and frightening. And yes I may not be as bold as I imagine myself to be when I start but I will not be as scared or frightened or timid in the next article, day, month, year or 4 years.

I will be better and I will be doing something I genuinely love, something that no one can do for me, something that makes me question how long I can hold on and push forward, something that will fulfill me in days, months, and years to come.

But again, why should you follow your dream?

Because, those are the things that define you. Those are the things that make the difference between existing and living — between knowing the path and walking the path — between a life of mediocrity and a life filled with happiness and success.

— Mark and Angel Chernoff

To exist is to procrastinate. To make excuses. To pretend like the hard things somehow don’t apply to you and your situation. Then reality checks in and you suddenly realize “I have nothing to show for my life, I have not lived my life the way I wanted”

Don’t let that become your life. Find happiness, success, satisfaction and fulfillment in your own chosen path.

The only way to achieve fulfillment, immense happiness and success is to step out of your comfort zone and just do it. Courage, drive and determination is only gained when you constantly put yourself out there and feel the fear and doubt but you still do it.

Start acting today on those hard things and get blown away by how amazing your life can be.

Take the chance; start small and be consistent. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Take the chance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. You only get as many chances as you are willing to take.

Don’t let fear decide your future. Yes there are good choices and there are bad ones but in the end you are building your resilience. The next step, chance and choice you make becomes even better and closer to your dreams.

Don’t just prepare and take the chance, actually do it. Start! Want to have your own blog? Get the domain, web development and design. Learn about your niche and create content. Be consistent and do what you say you will.

Want to get a job in your dream company? Find out as much as you can, network, apply for jobs or internships or fellowships, then network some more. Yes, they may not give you the job you want (the first many tries) but life falls in love with those who still get back up and push against the storm.

Remember no shortcuts, no procrastination and no excuses can be as fulfilling as when you are satisfied and happy because you took and survived the long road. Because you held on, because you were active and you did not give laziness the luxury of excuses but gave it the hard work treatment.

Be confident, energetic, social, healthy, effective, successful, confident, courageous, creative, propelled by a sense of purpose, driven by your true potential and achieve your maximum potential.

Be who you want to be by just taking the first step; just do it. You can be who you want to be. Easy. Period.




About me? I am an extremely curious person who loves bringing people closer to their dream careers and seeing them find fulfilment in their lives.