3 skills to develop for your career during this pandemic

5 min readJul 23, 2020

Irregardless of where you are in your career, there are certain skills you can develop to grow your career during these difficult times.

No one could have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact globally. Companies from almost all sectors are reporting losses and a number are laying off their employees. Even before pandemic started the unemployment rates in Kenya were high, this number has significantly increased and continues to grow daily.

It is a common theme for many to think that just because many companies are laying off employees and very few companies are hiring at the moment, you should pause your career growth. That is not the mindset to have.

Covid-19 won’t last forever, you need to have a plan even during these difficult times for something that will last longer. Your career.

This is the perfect time to take a skills inventory, research industry needs and identify the gaps that you need to fill to reach the next point in your career. While some industries differ in what their main skill priorities are, here are some common skills that are predicted to be among the highly sought by employers globally.

  1. Creativity & Innovation
Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

Even before the pandemic, creativity and innovation were among the skills rated most important when recruting new hires. The importance of that has never been seen as clearly as during these COVID-19 times. We have seen businesses adapt in very creative ways to ensure business continuity and that their customer’s needs are met at all times. Luxury fashion companies in UAE have started to make protective personal equipment for medical workers. When the restaurants in Kenya were given a government directive to only serve take-away meals, some closed down indefinitely and others adapted and partnered with delivery companies.

Can you imagine if the idea of delivery companies partnering with restaurants was not introduced a couple of years before? Many restaurants would have gone under. This is just an example of how important innovation is.

It is expected that with the new normal, things will need to change and adapt. By developing and utilizing this skill, you as a jobseeker will have better chances of securing employment during and after this pandemic.

To develop this skill, you need to think outside the box even about creativity. Creativity and innovation is critical in every profession and industry. It is not only reserved for the creatives in music or film. Yes, even if you are in accounting you need to sharpen this skill and think outside the box. Think deeply about the challenges your industry faces and possible solutions. How can you make it easier for your clients to continue engaging with your function and organization?

2. Tech Saviness

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

The memes doing rounds on the internet on the nature of Working From Home has exposed a very interesting and humorous relevation. We need to be more tech savy. Not only about knowing how to use zoom and its virtual backgrounds but knowing the what and how of technological tools necessary in our various professions.

Fo the longest time, the nature of work has been predicted to be changing drastically. Covid-19 has pushed fast forward on some of those changes. For instance it is very common in Kenya today to hear employees from a majority of industries saying they are working virtually but a few months back it would be very rare to hear that. Very few companies would allow that and as a result, the drastic change has caught many of us trying to adapt and still deliver value to our customers virtually.

With the new norm being virtual in nature, it is only fair to learn about the various new technologies in your field and how they can make your work life easier and help you bring more to the table. It is important to note that working virtually is predicted to continue being popular among companies even after the pandemic ends.

Many organizations have realized that their employees can productively work virtually anywhere with the necessary tools. The icing on the cake is that companies can reduce on the overhead costs of keeping employees in the office every work day from 8am to 5 pm. This sounds like a good deal. But as an employee or a future employee are you prepared to productively work virtually?

3. Data Literacy

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

The reality of technologies such as Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence(AI) among others have shown that some jobs will be no longer exist while others will adapt or converge.

Even at a time such as this, the influences of these technologies have not ceased to stop. As a matter of fact, they have increased. Take data as an example.

It is well known that the best decisions made are backed by data findings. Having reliable data is important for organizations that are constantly making decisions but what is even more important for the companies is to have data literate employees who can make sense of the information and make sound business decisions.

While some may say that that is the role of data scientists and business analysts, this is slowly enroaching into almost all job functions. For instance functions such as Human Resource (HR) that cuts across all industries is slowly adapting data analysis to make informed strategic decisions. Entry/mid level roles such as HR Data Analysis and similarly titled roles are starting to emerge in the Kenyan market.

The best thing about data analysis is that there are so many free online courses you can take that go beyond Excel. Most of the online courses are offered by certified training and tech companies and have legit certifications.

You do not need to change careers or become a data scientist but having an understanding of the principles will put you in a better position to use data to make better informed desicions.

One of your most valuable asset is time. Your time. You can never recover it but you can use the time you have to make the most out of what is available for you. While there are very many challenges arising from all angles, you can use your time to bring something positive into your career and life that continues on even after the pandemic ends.




About me? I am an extremely curious person who loves bringing people closer to their dream careers and seeing them find fulfilment in their lives.